Parking on the west side of the bridge (concession stand side) is limited to board members, IHSAA umpires, Little League umpires visiting from leagues other than WTLL, and designated delivery vehicles.
The board may grant exceptions on an individual basis. Vehicles with state issued handicapped tags displayed can be accommodated as space is available on the north side of the garage/storage area. Remember that gates will and can be locked 30 minutes prior and during games and that the Board Member On Duty may not be available to unlock it immediately.
Board members are REQUIRED to lock the gate each time they come and go into WTLL.
NO PARKING is allowed in front of or behind dumpster at gate entrance.
No Parking is allowed at access road/ambulance chained entrance (between D5 and D6) There is also a sign on the street there that says " do not park past this sign" that must be observed! Vehicles can and will be towed at owners expense. It is NOT A LOADING ZONE! PLEASE help us be good neighbors!
Parking in residential areas is strongly discouraged. If parking on any of the access roads in the adjoining neighborhood PLEASE do not park with tires on any lawns, in front of driveways or mailboxes. Parking is legal only on the south side of street. PLEASE respect our neighbors and their property. Expect that the police will cite you for violations without warning.
WTLL is not responsible for damage incurred to any vehicles. Baseballs are flying and machinery is being used at all times. Park at your our risk.